Our Mission

Trinity Playschool uses a child-centred, socially conscious pedagogy to engage young children in social and artistic thought and action. Using what the city has to offer, we strive to cultivate students that are empowered and are equipped with the knowledge to be socially and environmentally responsible citizens while they develop into explorers of their urban landscape.

A valuable aspect of the Trinity Playschool program is to empower children as navigators of their city. We journey on regular excursions, by foot and by public transportation, to art galleries, concerts, museums and cultural events, as well as markets, parks and city landmarks.

Our Playschool runs on a model that links a range of artists together to engage and inspire children. We like to bring in different perspectives and actively pursue a diverse teaching staff. As such, professional educators and artists trade chalkboards for personal anecdotes and textbooks for real life experiences. Together, they create an atmosphere that is at once intellectually stimulating and deeply personalized.

November Themes: Food Production, Trees & Autumn Harvest

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fun and Games

At playschool, we strive to find unique opportunities to offer our students. From field trips to things we make and do together, we try to make things as fun and educational as possible. Here are some photos of us having a great time doing lots of different things.

Discovering our neighbourhood...here the boys are listening to some music and checking out some of the videos in Little Portugal.

Nothing like a game of shark attack at union station to add some fun to our day!

Fun at the park, discovering, imagining, and taking a nice ride on the swings.

Music Class

We are fortunate enough to have music class with our great music teacher, Mr.Daniel every Thursday. The kids love to have him around, and they get to participate in fun activities which seem to encompass movement, dance, drama and of course singing! Here is some of the fun we had during our very first music lesson!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Great Reads!

We have been reading lots of great books throughout the month of September! Everything from Dr. Seuss to Robert Munsch to Todd Parr. We hope that our great books will continue to inspire our students to be imaginitive, creative, wonderous, caring, respectful and loving individuals. Book suggestions are always welcome!

Waste Free Lunches

As being environmentally conscious is a large cornerstone of the Trinity Playschool goals and curriculum, at our mini teacher meeting before the school year started, Leah and I thought it would be a great idea to attempt to have the kids bring in minimal waste - to waste free lunches. We can confidently say that with the month almost coming to a close, our kids and parents have done a fantastic job of being mindful of waste and garbage. Thank-you parents and thank-you kids! We are doing a great job and let's keep it up!

First Week Adventures

During our first week of playschool, a very exciting and interesting event took place- the workers strike at the Royal York Hotel. We headed down to show the students what a picket line looks like, and discuss with them why a strike may occur. We had a great adventure, taking the streetcar and then the subway down to the scene! The kids became excited and eager to see what was going on.

After arriving on the scene, we explained to the kids that the workers were striking because they were unhappy with their working/contract conditions and were sending a message to their bosses! The kids really enjoyed it and observed from a distance the picket line. Afterwards, we settled in a cozy spot to read Peter the Rabbit, and then ventured over to have some fun in Union Station. All in all, a great day, and an interesting way to mark the end of a great first week!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Trinity Playschool

The mission the Trinity Playschool is to encourage, inspire, and educate our students. Utilizing a child-centred approach to education, the teachers at Trinity Playschool weave in a curriculum that is creative-arts based, socially, culturally, and environmentally aware. Students are encouraged to engage in different activities, have fun, be creative and to explore the great city around them. We promote and guide our students to care, understand, and appreciate others and all that is around them through mutual respect.